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Please be an active player, the club depends on every member participating in the club fights. Being absent for 7 days or more without notifying club president or a vice president, will get you kicked out.

Do not challenge your fellow club members in the Fashion arena. If you do it by mistake, donate the amount of dollars you won to the club's cash box.

Keep a good atmosphere in the club! We are an online family and respect for each other is essential. We are all here to make friends and have a good time.

We have a daily donation fee of 1 emerald (except for Sundays) and $1000. That means we have a weekly donation fee of 6 emeralds and $7000.

Do not use the club message function to spam or chat. This should only be used for important announcements, for example to inform all club members about upcoming fights etc. It's ok to use it  to send pictures or other information that can be interesting for the other members to see.

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